I already see a Psychologist/Psychiatrist/GP/Take Medication is this program for me?

Absolutely. This program is NOT an alternative to medical, medicinal or psychological treatments you may currently be undertaking. This program is designed to be used in conjunction with these treatment paths as a way to learn new techniques that these treatment options may not be providing. This program is designed to empower you to take more control of your Mental Wellness Journey, no matter if you're undiagnosed, recently diagnosed with mental illness or have had mental illness/es for many years.

I feel guilty for spending money on myself.

Feeling guilty about spending money on yourself is a completely normal thing. Especially if you have invested in other programs in the past that haven't worked for you. The way I think of it is this, "WHAT IS THE COST OF NOT DOING THIS PROGRAM?"

The cost I'm talking about isn't financial. Its the cost of continuing the way you are right now. I know for me if I didn't look myself in the eye and decide to take action, I'd still be yelling at my kids multiple times a day. I'd still be drinking way to much in a terrible attempt to regulate my mood and emotions. I'd still avoid living my life because of crippling anxiety.

If you have a partner or family, don't you think they would like to have a less-moody, less-aggressive, less-drunk or medicated, less-isolated, more fun, happier, vibrant, excited, Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Son, Daughter, Aunt, Uncle or Friend? My bloody oath they would!

By making the investment in yourself, you can improve so many more aspects of your life that you probably can't even think of right now. I know, I've most likely been where you are and I have learnt all the lessons, and I know If i didn't do some things for myself, I just wouldn't be where I am today.

I work shift work, how will I get it done?

One of the many things I considered when creating this program is the practicality of shift-workers completing it. The program is completely self-paced. You have access whenever you need it. The practices are always available to you so you can take moments whenever suits you to get right into it.

What changes will I see?

Individual results will of course, vary. You may notice results immediately, especially during the breathwork modules. Other results you may notice after days, weeks, months and years. Your personal results will depend on how much effort you put into yourself, this program and your mental wellness growth.

Some results you could receive are: The ability to regulate your body in the stress response, the ability to reduce your heart rate, more calm, less anxiety, improved mood, improved sleep and many others.

I hate Yoga, why would I do this program?

Yoga is only one component of this program. There are many other practices we teach to help you improve your mental wellness. If you have practiced Yoga before and it wasn't for you it may have been for a variety of reasons. The Yoga we teach here is trauma informed, this means there are certain things that we do, but also that we don't do to make you not only feel comfortable but also, and most importantly, safe when practising.

As an example we don't use music in our practises here. This gives you the choice if you want to add your own background music or simply follow our guiding voices. We also don't use Sanskrit language, here we will use simple, easy to follow English instructions so you can rest assured that you will understand what we are saying. There is very minimal 'woo' as we know that First Responders don't always respond well to this, I know that I personally don't either.

People will think I'm weak if I practice Yoga/Breathwork/Mindfulness how do I get around this?

Well, you can simply not tell them. That's one of the best things about our program, you can keep it as quiet as you like. We understand that your privacy and your journey are just that, YOURS.

Of course we would love it if you shared your amazing journey with others, so that they too can benefit from our program, but it's entirely up to you how vocal you are about your involvement.

We have a closed Facebook group, specifically for this program so that you can ask questions and get support from us and others in the program, but this is optional for you to join and we totally get it if it's a hard pass from you. There are other ways to seek support such as live chats and support emails.

I already go to the Gym. Why would I need this?

One of the most common statements we hear is that "I lift weights", or "I go running", us too! Those things don't really bring the mind and body into alignment though, they don't allow you to learn your own physiological responses to stress and they certainly don't teach you how to self-regulate.

We love running and the gym as much as the next person, but there is so much more to this program than a 'workout'. You may even find that the lessons in this program help you perform better in your weights and cardio routines.

I'm not flexible/skinny/female/young {insert ridiculous thoughts here}. Is this program for me?

When you first start lifting weights do you say "I can't start because I'm not strong."? No, of course not. You go and you start with light weights and you gradually increase the weights as you gain strength.


We start off in our program at a very beginner level. We have designed this program so that ANY PERSON in ANY BODY can do this stuff at ANY TIME in ANY PLACE they choose.

That's not to say that those who have previously practiced won't reap the benefits too. All out practices vary in duration so you're bound to find something that will suit you. We are also adding to our Yoga Practice components so if there is something specific you'd like to see in the program give us a holla and we will see if we can make it happen!

I've been this way for so long, will this program benefit me?

The best time to start looking after your Mental Wellness was yesterday. The second best time is today!

It's never too late to learn the tactics we teach here. You're never too old, it's never too late. Simple as that.

I live so remotely, how can I get it all done?

Another consideration when creating this program is our remote and special remote friends. I worked in Walgett in Central NSW for four and a half years. I get it. One of the wonderful things about this program is that as long as you have an internet connection, you can do this program!


P.O Box 4231 Coffs Harbour Jetty,

NSW Australia 2450

© 2025 Tactical Yoga Australia - All Rights Reserved.